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Thurston, Samuel (1816-1851)

Samuel Royal Thurston's (1816-1851) political ambitions were greater than his short life allowed. Oregon Territory's first delegate to the U.S. Congress, Thurston is credited with passage of the Donat...

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Thurston County -- Thumbnail History

Thurston County is located in Western Washington, on the southern end of Puget Sound, often called the "South Sound." It is the eighth smallest county in the state, with a total land mass of 727 miles...

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Tieton -- Thumbnail History

The name Tieton derives from Taitnapam, the name of a local Indian tribe, and was chosen for the town in Yakima County by the U.S. Postal Service in 1909. Located on the north fork of Cowiche Creek --...

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Tightwad Hill (Seattle)

Tightwad Hill is a celebrated part of Seattle baseball lore. Situated in the Rainier Valley on a rise east of Rainier Avenue and just north of McClellan Street, the hillside was owned for decades by f...

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Tim Harris Oral History, Part 1: Real Change -- How It All Started

After dropping out of high school in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, running away from home, and serving four years in the air force, Tim Harris entered the University of Massachusetts, where he founded a ...

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Tim Harris Oral History, Part 2: Real Change -- How It Grew, What It Does

Real Change, a leader in the "street-paper" movement, was started in Seattle by Tim Harris in 1994. Its declared mission is "to provide opportunity and a voice for low-income and homeless people while...

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Tim Harris Oral History, Part 3: Real Change -- The Power of Relationships

Real Change, a leader in the "street-paper" movement, was started in Seattle by Tim Harris in 1994. Its declared mission is "to provide opportunity and a voice for low-income and homeless people while...

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Tipton, Billy (1914-1989)

The otherwise low-key life story of Billy Tipton – an obscure jazz pianist who worked out of Spokane for more than 30 years – took a startling plot twist upon his death on January 21,...

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To Resign or Not: Southern Officers in Washington Territory on the Eve of the Civil War

On the eve of the Civil War, United States Army regiments west of the Rocky Mountains were little more than a frontier police force, isolated, undermanned, underpaid, and poorly provisioned. The situa...

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Tobey, Mark (1890-1976)

Mark Tobey was a leading painter of the Northwest School, one of the four "Northwest Mystics" described in a 1953 Life magazine article that proclaimed the "Mystic Painters of the Pacific Northwest." ...

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Tokuda, Kip Yoshio (1946-2013)

Kip Yoshio Tokuda was a Sansei (third generation) Japanese American civil rights leader, public servant, Washington State legislator, and advocate for the rights of children, disabled persons, and LGB...

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Tollefson, Thor Carl (1901-1982)

Thor Tollefson was born in Perley, Minnesota, in 1901. He was 11 when his family moved to Tacoma, and he spent most of his adult life devoted to the public affairs of Tacoma and the state of Washingto...

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