Through the Looking Glass
Appropriate for grades 3-12
Students will explore primary and secondary sources related to the 1962 Seattle World's Fair, then use them to compare, contrast, and interpret where our society was 50 years ago, where it is today, and where it may go in the future.
It is recommended that basic information and/or selected activities from this unit be reviewed prior to using units 2-10, in order to introduce students to the history of the Seattle World's Fair, and what life was like in 1962.
Unit 1 Stories
The Imagine curriculum is a project of The Next Fifty and was made possible with funding from the Seattle Center Foundation and 4Culture. Additional in-kind support was provided by KCTS 9, HistoryLink, The Seattle Times Newspapers In Education, Jack Straw Productions, the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), the Museum of History & Industry, the Seattle Architectural Foundation, Bellevue Public Schools, Seattle Public Schools, and the Edmonds School District.