First Hill (Seattle) Self-Guided Walking Tour

  • Posted 2/03/2025
  • Essay 23187
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First Hill is one of Seattle's most eclectic and historic neighborhoods, characterized by a diversity of building types, architectural styles and periods, and its dense, urban tree canopy. Residents and newcomers to Seattle often dismiss First Hill as that place you go for a doctor’s appointment or hospitalization. Medical centers and high-rise towers have replaced much of the traditional single-family residential neighborhood that developed when First Hill was synonymous with good living, exclusive private clubs, and religious pageantry. By 1883, the crest of the hill having been clear-cut, First Hill entered a new era as the residential retreat of Seattle’s wealthiest families. Over the years, numerous churches, apartment buildings, workers’ housing, hotels, social clubs, and hospitals added to the area’s architecture, creating a visual, cultural, and economic tapestry. Since the 1960s, the hill has been severed from downtown by the I-5 freeway. The neighborhood has earned its frequently used nickname "Pill Hill" for the multitude of medical centers.

To take this walking tour, visit HistoryLink.Tours.

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