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Seattle City Council proclamation honors centennial of first municipal power bond vote on March 4, 2002.

  • By Walt Crowley
  • Posted 3/05/2002
  • HistoryLink.org Essay 3716

On March 4, 2002, the Seattle City Council unanimously adopts a resolution honoring the March 4, 1902, approval of Seattle municipal bonds to fund development of a hydroelectric plant at Cedar Fall in the Cedar River Watershed. Council Member and Energy Chair Heidi Wills sponsors the proclamation, which passes unanimously. The 1902 vote launched development of the nation's first city-owned electrical utility, Seattle City Light, which became operational in 1905 and was made a full department in 1910.

The full text of the proclamation reads:

WHEREAS, Seattle voters approved electric utility bonds on March 4, 1902 to fund construction of a municipal hydroelectric dam and plant at Cedar Lake leading to the creation of Seattle City Light; and

WHEREAS, For the past century, City Light has provided residents of Seattle with affordable, reliable and environmentally sound electrical power; and

WHEREAS, City Light has demonstrated how public power can serve the interests of citizens by contributing to the region's progress in community development, economic vitality and environmental stewardship; and

WHEREAS, The tireless commitment to public service and excellence of the more than 1,700 City Light employees demonstrated each and every day needs to be commended and recognized; and

WHEREAS, Seattle's citizens will continue to enjoy the benefits of hydroelectric power for centuries to come; and

WHEREAS, City Light is now the nation's seventh largest publicly owned electric utility and a treasure of the Pacific Northwest where its mission is to sustain and enhance our community's quality of life by providing excellent energy services and to be the most customer-focused, competitive, efficient, innovative and environmentally responsible utility in the country;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT PROCLAIMED BY THE SEATTLE CITY COUNCIL, THE MAYOR CONCURRING, that we are profoundly grateful for Seattle City Light's 100 years of excellence, leadership and environmental stewardship on behalf of our community and are pleased to be able to present this acknowledgement for outstanding contribution to the people of Seattle.


Seattle City Council proceedings, March 4, 2002.

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