Mutual of Enumclaw Insurance Company (formerly Farmers' Mutual) incorporates on February 17, 1898.

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On February 17, 1898, Farmers Mutual Insurance Company files Articles of Incorporation and By-laws with the Washington Secretary of State. Later renamed Mutual of Enumclaw, it is the oldest mutual insurance company in Washington state, and is a cooperative – the membership owns the company.

Based in Enumclaw

The membership continues to own the company and each member has an equal vote. Members vote for officers and board members, and vote on changes in the By-laws. The firm originally existed to protect farmers against loss by fire. Founding president George Bruhn and the first agent S. L. Sorenson, who was elected secretary in 1903, were prime movers in the company until the late 1910s. Both were Danish immigrants who helped found other cooperative businesses in Enumclaw. Founding vice president Otto Tamm, a north German immigrant, succeeded Bruhn as president, serving until 1935.


Mildred Tanner Andrews, Mutual of Enumclaw Insurance Company: A Century of Service (Enumclaw: Mutual of Enumclaw, 1998); Nancy Irene Hall, In the Shadow of the Mountain: a Pioneer History of Enumclaw (Enumclaw: Courier-Herald Publishing Company, Inc., 1983).

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