Library Search Results

Topic: Rivers

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Wawawai -- Vanished Orchard Community of the Snake River

During the nineteenth and twentieth centuries Wawawai (rhymes with Hawaii), located in Whitman County, was at the center of one of the premier orchard regions in Washington state. The town was located...

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Wenatchee Confluence State Park

Located at the confluence of the Wenatchee and Columbia rivers, in almost the exact center of Washington State, Wenatchee Confluence State Park is a study in dichotomies. The north side is a manicured...

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White River Valley (King County) -- Thumbnail History

Since the mid-nineteenth-century arrival of non-Indian settlers in the White River Valley (also known as the Green River Valley), the White and Green rivers have undergone many changes. Annual floods ...

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Working and Living at the Cedar River Watershed, 1916-1929

Randall E. Rydeen's (1906-1998) account of work and life at Cedar Falls was recorded on May 20, 1993 by Marian Arlin. The following is an excerpt from the Oral History Project of the Cedar River Water...

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