Library Search Results

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University District Museum Without Walls Oral History: Margaret Hoban Moore (University District resident, 1940-1967)

Margaret Hoban Moore was born and raised in Seattle's University District. She is currently a volunteer for Blessed Sacrament Parish. In this oral history transcript she describes her childhood growin...

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University District Museum Without Walls Oral History: Matthew Fox (Director of Operations, ROOTS)

Matthew Fox is the director of operations for the ROOTS (Rising Out of the Shadows) young-adult shelter in Seattle's University District. In this oral history transcript he describes how ROOTS works i...

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University District Museum Without Walls Oral History: Megan Cornish (Radical Women) and Henry Noble (Freedom Socialist Party)

This is a transcript of an oral history by Megan Cornish and Henry Noble. Cornish was one of the first women hired by Seattle City Light as a light-pole climber. She eventually made it to senior power...

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University District Museum Without Walls Oral History: Patty Whisler (University District volunteer and activist)

Patty Whisler is a former resident of Seattle's University District and a current neighborhood activist and volunteer there. She is known as the unofficial "Godmother" of the District. This is a trans...

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University District Museum Without Walls Oral History: Ray Chinn (University District Rotarian)

This is a transcript of an oral history by Ray Chinn, whose family owned Lun Ting Restaurant on University Way in Seattle's University District from 1938 until 1979. Chinn was the first and youngest A...

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University District Museum Without Walls Oral History: Stephen Herold (author and historian, former owner of the Id Bookstore)

This is a transcript of an oral history by Stephen Herold. He is the former owner of the Id Bookstore, an anarchist bookstore in Seattle's University District during the late 1960s and early 1970s, an...

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University District Museum Without Walls Oral History: Tamara A. Turner (Radical Women)

Tamara A. Turner is a retired medical librarian, a longtime resident of Seattle's University District, and a gay-rights activist. In this oral history transcript she recalls the district, especially t...

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University District Museum Without Walls Oral History: Vivian McPeak (founder, Seattle Peace Heathens; executive director, Seattle Hempfest)

Vivian McPeak, a resident of Seattle's University District, is the founder of Seattle Peace Heathens, executive director of Seattle Hempfest, and a local peace and social-justice activist. This is a t...

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University of Washington Football, 1889-2010

In a Seattle region that has transformed radically since 1889, the University of Washington's football team has been one of the few constants. Washington has appeared in 14 Rose Bowls, which is second...

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University of Washington Police: Bob Ingram recalls the early years

Robert F. "Bob" Ingram was a police officer at the University of Washington from 1951 to 1978, retiring with the rank of Captain and head of all the department's criminal investigations. The following...

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University of Washington Tacoma

Established as a result of widespread community support and statewide efforts to expand access to higher education, the University of Washington Tacoma opened its doors in 1990. Since that time, the s...

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Unsoeld, Jolene Bishoprick (1931-2021)

Jolene Unsoeld's political beginnings date to the early 1970s, when as a self-described citizen meddler she worked on Initiative 276, a successful 1972 ballot measure that required the state to make i...

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