Congressional Delegations from Washington

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This is a complete historical list of the Washington territorial and state delegations to the United States Congress, currrent through 2021. Washington Territory was created on March 2, 1853, and the territory became a state on November 11, 1889.

Territorial Delegates to the United States Congress

  • Columbia Lancaster (1803-1893) D, 1854-1855
  • James Patton Anderson (1822-1872) D, 1855-1857
  • Isaac I. Stevens (1818-1862) D, 1857-1861  2 terms
  • William Henson Wallace (1811-1879) R, 1861-1863
  • George Edward Cole (1826-1906) D,1863-1865
  • Arthur A. Denny (1822-1899) R, 1865-1867
  • Alvan Flanders (1825-1884) R,1867-1869
  • Selucius Garfielde (1822-1881) R, 1869-1873 2 terms
  • Obadiah Benton McFadden (1815-1875) D, 1873-1875
  • Orange Jacobs (1827-1914) R, 1875-1879  2 terms
  • Thomas Hurley Brents (1840-1916) R, 1879-1885  3 terms
  • Charles Stewart Voorhees (1853-1909) D, 1885-1889  2 terms
  • John Beard Allen (1845-1903) R, 1889-1889

Senators from Washington (Note: prior to the 1913 ratification of Amendment XII, the state legislature appointed senators to the United States Congress.)

  • John Beard Allen (1845-1903) R, 1889-1895 Walla Walla
  • Watson Carvasso Squire (1838-1926) R, 1889-1897  King
  • John Lockwood Wilson (1850-1912) R, 1895-1899 Spokane
  • George Turner (1850-1932) SR (Silver Republican), 1897-1903 Spokane
  • Addison G. Foster (1837-1917) R, 1899-1905 Pierce
  • Levi Ankeny (1844-1921)  R, 1903-1909 Walla Walla
  • Samuel H. Piles (1858-1940) R, 1905-1911 King
  • Wesley L. Jones (1863-1932)  R, 1909-1932 King
  • Miles Poindexter (1868-1946) R-Progressive-R, 1911-1923 Spokane
  • Clarence C. Dill (1884-1978) D, 1923-1935  Spokane
  • Elijah S. Grammer (1868-1936) R, 1932-1933 King
  • Homer T. Bone (1883-1970) D, 1933-1944 Pierce
  • Lewis B. Schwellenbach (1894-1948) D, 1935-1940 Grant
  • Monrad C. Wallgren (1891-1961) D, 1940-1945  Snohomish
  • Warren G. Magnuson (1905-1989) D, 1944-1981 King
  • Hugh Burnton Mitchell (1907-1996) D, 1945-1946  Snohomish
  • Harry P. Cain (1906-1979) R,  1946-1953 Pierce
  • Henry M. "Scoop" Jackson (1912-1983) D, 1953-1983 Snohomish
  • Slade Gorton (1928-2020) R, 1981-1987 Thurston
  • Daniel J. Evans (1925-2024) R,  1983-1989 King
  • Brock Adams (1927-2004) D, 1987-1993 King
  • Slade Gorton (1928-2020) R, 1989-2001 King
  • Patricia ("Patty") Murray (b. 1950) D,  1993-  King
  • Maria E. Cantwell (b. 1958) D,  2001-  Snohomish

United States Representatives from Washington

  • John Lockwood Wilson (1850-1912) R, 1889-1895, at large
  • William Hall Doolittle (1848-1914 ) R, 1893-1897, at large
  • Samuel Clarence Hyde (1842-1922) R, 1895-1897, at large
  • William Carey Jones (1855-1927) SR (Silver Republican) 1897-1899, at large
  • James Hamilton Lewis (1863-1939) D, 1897-1899, at large
  • Wesley Livsey Jones (1863-1932) R, 1899-1909, at large
  • Francis Wellington Cushman (1867-1909) R, 1899-1909, at large, 2nd District 
  • William Ewart Humphrey (1862-1934) R, 1903-1917, at large 1903-1909, 1st District 1909-1917
  • Miles Poindexter (1868-1946) R, 1909-1911 3rd District
  • William Wallace McCredie (1862-1935) R, 1909-1911 2nd District
  • Stanton Warburton (1865-1926) R, 1911-1913 2nd District
  • William L. La Follette (1860-1934) R, 1911-1919, 3rd District 1911-1915, 4th District 1915-1919
  • Albert Johnson (1869-1957) R, 1913-1933; 2nd District 13-15, 3rd District 15-33  
  • James Wesley Bryan (1874-1956) Progressive 1913-1915  at large
  • Jacob Alexander Falconer (1869-1928) Progressive 1913-1915  at large
  • Lindley Hoag Hadley (1861-1948) R, 1915-1933  2nd District  
  • Clarence C. Dill (1884-1978) D, 1915-1919  5th District 
  • John Franklin Miller (1862-1936) R, 1917-1931  1st District
  • John William Summers (1870-1937) R, 1919-1933  4th District
  • John Stanley Webster (1877-1962 ) R, 1919-1923  5th District
  • Samuel Billingsley Hill (1875-1958 ) D, 1923-1937  5th District
  • Ralph Ashley Horr (1884-1960) R, 1931-1933  1st District
  • Marion Zioncheck (1901-1936) D, 1933-1936  1st District 
  • Monrad C. Wallgren (1891-1961) D, 1933-1940  2nd District  
  • Martin Fernard Smith (1891-1954) D, 1933-1943  3rd District 
  • Knute Hill (1876-1963) D, 1933-1943  4th District 
  • Wesley Lloyd (1883-1936) D, 1933-1936  6th District
  • Warren G. Magnuson (1905-1989) D, 1937-1944  1st District 
  • Charles Henry Leavy (1884-1952) D, 1937-1943  5th District 
  • John Main Coffee (1897-1983) D, 1937-1947  6th District
  • Henry M. "Scoop" Jackson (1912-1983) D, 1941-1953  2nd District 
  • Fred Barthold Norman (1882-1947) R, 1943-1945, 1947-1947 3rd District
  • Otis Halbert Holmes (1902-1977) R, 1943-1959  4th District;
  • Walter Franklin Horan (1898-1966) R, 1943-1965 5th District;
  • Emerson Hugh DeLacy (1910-1986) D, 1945-1947  1st Distric
  • Charles Raymon Savage (1906-1976) D, 1945-1947  3rd District;
  • Homer Raymond Jones (1893-1970) R, 1947-1949  1st District 
  • Russell Vernon Mack (1891-1960) R, 1947-1960  3rd District 
  • Thor Carl Tollefson (1901-1982) R, 1947-1965  6th District  
  • Hugh Burnton Mitchell (1907-1996) D, 1949-1953  1st District
  • Donald Hammer Magnuson (1911-1979) D, 1953-1963  at large 53-59, 7th District 59-63 
  • Thomas Minor Pelly (1902-1973) R, 1953-1973  1st District
  • Alfred John Westland (1904-1982) R, 1953-1965  2nd District  
  • Catherine Dean Barnes May (1914-2004) R, 1959-1971  4th District
  • Julia Caroline Butler Hansen (1907-1988) D, 1960-1974  3rd District
  • K. William Stinson (1930-2002) R, 1963-1965  7th District
  • Lloyd Meeds (1927-2005) D, 1965-1979  2nd District
  • Thomas Stephen Foley (1929-2013)  D, 1965-1995  5th District, Speaker of the House 1989-1995
  • Floyd Verne Hicks (1915-1992) D, 1965-1977  6th District
  • Brock Adams (1927-2004) D, 1965-1977  7th District
  • Mike McCormack (1921-2020) D, 1971-1981  4th District
  • Joel McFee Pritchard (1925-1997) R, 1973-1985  1st District
  • Don Leroy Bonker (b. 1937) D, 1975-1989  3rd District
  • Norman DeValois "Norm" Dicks (b. 1940)  D, 1977-2012  6th District
  • John Edward Cunningham III (b. 1931) R, 1977-1979  7th District
  • Allan Byron Swift (1935-2018) D, 1979-1995  2nd District
  • Mike Lowry (1939-2017) D, 1979-1989  7th District
  • Sidney Wallace Morrison (b. 1933) R, 1981-1993  4th District 
  • Rodney Dennis Chandler (b. 1942) R, 1983-1993  8th District
  • John Ripin Miller (1938-2017) R, 1985-1993  1st District
  • Jolene Unsoeld (b. 1931) D, 1989-1995  3rd District
  • James A. "Jim" McDermott (b. 1936) D, 1989-2017  7th District
  • Maria E. Cantwell (b. 1958) D, 1993-1995  1st District
  • Jay Robert Inslee (b. 1951)  D, 1993-1995, 1999-2012   4th District 1993-1995, 1st District 1999-2012
  • Jennifer Blackburn Dunn (1941-2007)  R, 1993-2005 8th District
  • Myron Bradford "Mike" Kreidler (b. 1943)  D, 1993-1995  9th District
  • Richard Alan "Rick" White (b. 1953) R, 1995-1999  1st District
  • Jack Metcalf (1927-2007)  R, 1995-2001  2nd District
  • Linda Smith (b. 1950)  R, 1995-1999  3rd District
  • Richard Norman "Doc" Hastings (b. 1941)  R, 1995-2015  4th District
  • George R. Nethercutt Jr. (b. 1944) R, 1995-2005  5th District
  • Randy Tate (b. 1965) R, 1995-1997  9th District
  • Adam Smith (b. 1965) D, 1997-  9th District
  • Brian Baird (b. 1956) D, 1999-2011  3rd District
  • Rick Larsen (b. 1965) D, 2001-   2nd District
  • Cathy McMorris Rodgers (b. 1965) R, 2005-  5th District
  • David G. Reichert (b. 1950) R, 2005-2019 8th District
  • Jaime Herrera Beutler (b. 1978) R, 2011- 3rd District
  • Suzan K. DelBene (b. 1962) D, 2012- 1st District
  • Derek Kilmer (b. 1974) D, 2013-    6th District
  • Dennis "Denny" L. Heck (b. 1952) D, 2013-2021   10th District
  • Dan Newhouse (b. 1955) R, 2015-   4th District
  • Pramila Jayapal (b. 1965) D, 2017-   7th District
  • Kim Schrier (b. 1968) D, 2019-    8th District
  • Marilyn Strickland (b. 1962) D, 2021-    10th District


"Biographical Directory of the United States Congress," accessed August 19, 2003 (; United States Senate, "Senators From Washington" ( one_item_and_teasers/washington.htm); "Delegates to Congress, Washington Territory," "List of U.S. Representatives, Washington State" (; "Washington," GovTrack website accessed February 7, 2015 ( Note: These lists were last updated on June 5, 2021.

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