King County Landmarks: Marjesira Inn (1906), Magnolia Beach, Vashon Island

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Ira and Jessie Case began building the Marjesira Inn in 1906 on a steep bluff overlooking Quartermaster Harbor in the Vashon summer community of Magnolia Beach, just south of Burton. With the help of a local carpenter, they constructed the four-story shingle-clad building with extensive porches expanding the living space outside. The wharf in front of Marjesira was the point of entry for the Magnolia Beach community, and the inn provided lodging, the post office, and a small store where Jessie's fresh baked bread was a great attraction.

Ira Case made many contributions to the development of Vashon Island. He published a series of island newspapers, served in the state legislature, and worked for the development of the island's roads and ferry service. Address: 25134 Vashon Highway SW, Magnolia Beach, Vashon Island.


King County Landmarks and Heritage Commission.

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