King County Landmarks: Fall City Masonic Hall (1895), Fall City

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The Masonic Hall, which stands in the heart of Fall City, has been a focus of community life for more than 100 years. The large, two-story wood frame lodge rises above the peaks and gables of the surrounding homes. Its full width front porch welcomes members and visitors. The Lodge provided a place to meet and socialize for members, who lived and worked in the Snoqualmie Valley’s isolated farms or lumber camps. In its early years, the Lodge was known as a "Moon Lodge." Meetings were held close to the full moon so members who came from outside Fall City could travel to evening meetings by moonlight. The hall, still owned by the Masons, serves as a meeting place for community organizations and a center of community activity. Address: Address: 33700 SE 43rd Street, Fall City. Fall City. 



King County Landmarks and Heritage Commission.

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