King County Landmarks: First Church of Christ, Scientist (Kirkland)

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This striking example of Neoclassical design with a columned "Greek Temple" portico is the oldest remaining church building in Kirkland, and one of East King County’s best-preserved examples of Classical Revival style architecture. Dating from Kirkland's prime era of development in the 1920s, the brick and stucco building is symmetrical, shaped like a cross, and possesses the qualities of substantiality, dignity, beauty, and simplicity that are the fundamental goals of Christian Science architecture as well as being consistent with the "City Beautiful" movement of the 1920s.

In 1999, the building was moved one block west of its original location, to a park property owned by the City of Kirkland. The building underewnt years of restoration and re-opened in 2004 as the home of the Kirkland Heritage Society.  Address: 203 Market Street, Kirkland. 



King County Landmarks and Heritage Commission.

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