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Beerta Kubota Garden (Seattle)

  • By David Wilma
  • Posted 3/08/2001
  • HistoryLink.org Essay 3077

Beerta Kubota Garden, oo ay Wakaalada meelaha lagu ciyaarro iyo beeraha lagu nasdo (Parks and Recreation) ee koonfur-bari ee Seattle, waxay isku dartaa dhirta hidaha u leh waqooyi-galbeed iyo nashqadaha beeraha hidaha ah ee Jabaaniiska, kuwaasoo muujinaya buuro, dooxooyin, iliilimo, dhijaamo, biyo- dhacyo, iyo dhagaxaanta dhulka ka muuqda. Way furan tahay sannadka oo dhan,galistuna waa bilaash. Illaa intuu noolaa waxa beerta ka shaqeynayay ninka la yidhaa Fajitaro Kubota (1879-1973), wuxuu yimid kobolka Washington,isaga ka soo socdaalay dalkaa Japan. Inkastoo aanu hore u tabobarnayn, Kubota wuxuu noqday nin beeraha xirfad ku leh, isagoo aasaasay sharkada Kubota Gardening Company 1923kii. Afar sano kadib wuxuu iibsaday afar akar oo ah biyo-fadhiisi laga tagey oo ku yaal Renton Avenue S oo u dhaw Rainier Beach (isagoo isticmaalaya magaca saaxiibkii, si uu u badbaadosharciyadii u diidayay dadka Jabaaniiska ah inay dhul ka iibsadaan Gobolka Washington, waxaanu bilaabay inuu horumariyo beerta. Kubota wuxuu u raray qoyskiisa beertiisa 1940, wuxuu la wareegay dhul badan si uu u gaadhsiiyo baaxadda dhulkiisa 20 akar. Qoysku wuxuu ku xannibnaa Minidoka, Idaho, karantiimadii Jabbaaniiska muddadii Dagaalkii II ee Adduunka, laakiin wuxuu soo noqday 1945 si uu u soo ceshado una sii wado horumarinta beerta. 1962kii Kubota wuxuu dhisay beertii buurta dhinaceedda ku taalay ee 65 fiit joogeedu ahaa, oo lahayd dhijaamo iyo biyo-dhacyo; dabadeedna wuxuu ku daray kaabad dayaxa laga arko iyo biriish dayaxa laga arko. 1981kii, siddeed sano kadib geeridii Kubota, beerta waxa la caddeeyey inay tahay meel magaalada ahmiyad u leh. 1987 Dawlada Hoose waxay iibsatay hantida iyo Beertii Kubota si ay u noqdaan beer dadwayne.


Mary Anne Parmeter, "A Brief History of the Kubota Garden," The Kubota Garden Foundation Newsletter, Winter 1996, pp. 6-9, Rainier Valley Historical Society; Walt Crowley, National Trust Guide: Seattle, (New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1998), 221; "Kubota Garden," Seattle Parks and Recreation Department (http://www.ci.seattle.wa.us/parks/parkspaces/Gardens.htm). See Also: John Iwasaki, "John Kubota, 1917-2004: He Created Kubota Gardens," Seattle Post-Intelligencer, August 17, 2004 (http://seattlepi.nwsource.com).
Note: This essay was updated on August 26, 2004, and revised slightly on November 4, 2011.

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