Seward Park wuxuu ku fadhiyaa gacanka oo dhan kaas oo ka soo yara baxsan Harada Washington xagga Koonfurbari Seatle , iyo karinkiisa iyo dhul badan oo barriga ah oo xeebta ku dherersan. Meesha 300 ee ektar ah waxa ka mid ah 120 ektar kayn meesha ka bixi jirtay oon si fiican u bixin-- difaaca ugu wayn ee bixistii hore ee looxa magaalada. Faa’iidada gacanka beer ahaan waxa la ogaaday horaantii 1890dii. Waxay ahayd wax muhiim oo ku jiray qorshihii la soo bandhigay ee nidaamka beerta Seattle ee ay dejiyeen Walaalaha Olmsted ee caanka baxay 1903. Ka dib markii magaaladu ay heshay dhulka, 1911, shirkaddii Olmsted waxay u nashqadaysay Beerta Seward sidii ay udub dhexaad u tahay muuqaalka dabiiciga ah ee wadada taasoo u socota dhawr mayl waqooyi harta dhinaceega. Maanta, beertu waa deegaan taageer dhir iyo xayawaan fara badan, ka soo bilaw haadka wayn ilaa Garry Oak , waa geedka kaliya ee Washington hore uga bixi jiray. Raaxadiisa waxa ka mid maylal lugayn ah, 2.4 baaskiilad biyo ag-kaxayn ah/wadiiqo lugeed, biij maydhasho, kuraas, stuudiyo farshaxan, iyo xarun bii’ad ooy iska kaashadeen Bulshada Qaranka Audubon iyo Beeraha Seattle iyo Waaxda Madadaalada – sidoo kale aragga bilicdasan ee Mount Rainier.
Seward Park (Seatle)
- By Cassandra Tate
- Posted 9/03/2010
- Essay 3141
Donald Sherwood, "Seward Park -- History," December 3, 1973, in Sherwood Park History Files, Seattle Parks and Recreation website accessed August 2010 (; Arthur Lee Jacobson, "Tall Tales from the Northwest: Best Trees of Seattle," Arthur Lee Jacobson website accessed August 2010 (; Paul Talbert, "The History of Seward Park," Seattle Friends of Seward Park website accessed August 2010 (; "Seward Park Comprehensive Trail Plan," May 1, 2009, Seattle Parks and Recreation website accessed August 2010 (; Buzz Anderson, "Seward Peninsula Has Rich History," Beacon Hill News and South District Journal, August 1, 2001, p. 1; Kathy Mulady, "City Celebrates Park Pioneer Olmsted," Seattle Post-Intelligencer, April 2, 2003 (; "Seward Park -- The Pride of Rainier Valley," Rainier Valley Citizen, December 29, 1915, p. 23; Sherry Stripling, "Seeds of Renewal," The Seattle Times, March 31, 2005 (
Note: This essay replaces an earlier essay on the same subject.
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