Magaalada Columbia, waa xaafad taariikhi ah oo ku taala koonfur-bari Seattle, oo ku bilaabantay dhul magaalo loogu talogalay oo uu dhisay Camirraha J. K. Edmiston, kaasoo ka dhisay khad tareen oo koronto ah oo ka yimaad suuqa hoose ee Seattle soo dhex mara Rainier Valley soona dhinac raacay dhabbaha ay hadda raacday Rainier Avenue. Magaalada Columbia waxay ahayd magaalo iskeedu madaxbannaan, 1893kii. Ayaalagu daray Seattle 1907. Soosaareyaasha sida Hitt Fireworks Company iyo Heater Glove Company ayaa quudinayey dhaqaalaha deegaanka ilaa Dagaalkii II ee Adduunka, markaasoo xaafaddu hooy u noqotay shaqaalaha difaaca, Hitt Fireworks-na waxay u digo rogatay soosaarista qalabka milatariga. Magaalada Columbia waxay aragtay hoos u dhac sannadadii dagaalka ka dambeeyey, oo gaadhay halka u hoosaysa dabayaaqadii 1970dii markaaso falalka dambigu uu ahaa arrin wayn.Dhismeyaalwaddada saaran oo badana madhnaayeen. Tobanaankii sano ee xigay, dadaalo wadajira oo dawladda iyo shicibba leh ayaa caawiyey soo noolaynta meesha. Bulashada ganacsatada deegaanku waxay ku guulaysteen taallo Degmeed Bartilmaameed ah oo ay u sameeyeen magaalada Columbia 1978, oo caawinaysa dayactirka iyo jawiga fiican ee taariikhiga ah ee xaafadda. Dhismeyaasha waddada saaran ee mar madhnaa waxay noqdeen makhaayado, xafiisyo, bandhig farxano, iyo ganacsiyo kale.
Xaafadaha Seattle: Magaalada ColumbiaCity – Taariikh Kooban
- By Cassandra Tate
- Posted 6/02/2001
- Essay 3327
Robey G. Banta, “Columbia City History Has Much of Human Interest,” Duwamish Valley News, April 7, 1916; Edmond S. Meany, Origin of Washington Geographic Names (Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1923), 53; Paul Dorpat, “Rainier Valley’s Electric Railway,” The Seattle Times, July 10, 1983; “Notice to Board of County Commissioners, King County,” filed Nov. 18, 1892, and “Election to Incorporate the Town of Columbia,” filed Jan. 12, 1893, both in City of Columbia Records, 1893-1913, City of Seattle, Municipal Archives; Rainier Valley Heritage News, Winter 2001; incorporation papers for Columbia Manufacturing Company, Hitt Fire-Works Company, and Heater Glove Company, King County Incorporation Papers, Puget Sound Regional Archives, Bellevue, Washington; "Centennial History: Columbia City, Rainier Valley, 1853-1991," dated 1992, comp. by Carey Summers for Pioneers of Columbia City, Rainier Valley Historical Society, Seattle, Washington; Mary Ann Balch, “Hitt Fireworks provided early-century drama,” South District Journal, June 26, 1996; “Columbia City Historic District,” National Register of Historic Places Inventory, Nomination Form, 1978; Cassandra Tate Interviews with Buzz Anderson, April 18, 2001, Eugenia Woo, April 19, 2001, and Gloria Hitt Cauble, May 30, 2001, Columbia City, Washington.
Note: This essay was revised slightly on October 26, 2011.
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