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The Wenatchee World begins publishing on July 3, 1905.

On July 3, 1905, The Wenatchee World begins publishing. It is the first daily newspaper to appear in North Central Washington. It is a Republican newspaper at a time when newspapers are often affiliated with a political party.

The newspaper consisted of one sheet folded into four pages. The paper outlined its purpose and intentions in Volume 1, No. 1:

"With this, our first issue, a word as to our policy is perhaps needed. We believe this section of the state to have great resources and great promise. We wish to do our part toward developing these resources and bringing the promise to pass. We shall try to be an active, helping factor in not alone Wenatchee and the county of Chelan, but also in our neighbor counties of Douglas and Okanogan. We believe that here will be built a large city, whose broad minded citizens will develop and aid in the advance of the entire section that we hope to acceptably represent. It is our intention to make The World modern and up to date in its news features, clean, conservative and reliable. The World will uphold and try to advance the principles of the Republican Party" (The World of the World).

The paper was started by C. A. Briggs and Nat Ament. On March 1, 1907, Rufus Woods (1878-1950) became publisher, and remained so for 43 years.


Charles C. Kerr, The World of the World (Wenatchee: The Wenatchee World, 1980), 21-23.

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