Galabnimadii 11 Sibtambar, 2010, bulshada Itoobiyaanku waxay u dabbaaldegtay, Sannadka Cusub ee Itoobiyaanka, Kiddus Yohannes, Ururka Iskaashiga Bulshada Itoobiyaankuna waxay ka iibsatay xarun bulsheed Goobta S Rainier 9323 ee gudaha Biijka Rainier oo u dhaw koonfurbari Seattle. Qiyaastii 1,000 qof ayaa joogay dabbaaldegga Sannadka Cusub, laakiin kala badh tiradaas way iska noqdeen markii xarun bulsheedka cusubi buuxsantay. Xarun bulsheedka cusubi waa ugu badnaan dhisme 10,000 fiit laba jibbaaran ah kaasoo mar hooy u ahaan jiray Kaniisadda Bulshada Macbadka Caqiidada. Waxay u noqotay meel kulan in ka badan 25,000 Itoobiyaan dhalinyar ah, waalid ah, dad da’a ah kuwaasoo ku noolaa Seattle 2010, waxay u shaqaynaysay sidiigoob baris gaara, xiisado, fasax Itoobiyaanka, iyo dabbaaldeyo.
Ururka Iskaashiga bulshada Itoobiyaanku waxay ugu dabbaaldegtay Sannadka Cusub xarun bulsheed cusub 11 Sibtambar, 2010.
- By Catherine Hinchliff
- Posted 11/17/2010
- Essay 9616
Scott Gutierrez, "Local Ethiopians Seek Help to Open a Community Center,", August 5, 2010 (; Matthew Craft, "Ethiopian Christmas Celebrations Begin -- Central Area Church Provides ‘Little Bit of Home’ for Members," The Seattle Times, January 5, 2003 (; Catherine Hinchliff interview with Ezra Teshome, September 29, 2010, Seattle, Washington; Catherine Hinchliff interview with Sultan Mohamed, September 28, 2010, Seattle, Washington; Catherine Hinchliff interview with Dr. Alula Wasse, September 27, 2010, Seattle, Washington; Catherine Hinchliff interview with Mulumebet Retta, September 27, 2010, Seattle, Washington; Catherine Hinchliff interview with Assaye Abunie, September 15, 2010, Seattle, Washington; "African Immigration" in In Motion: the African American Migration Experience, ed. by Howard Dodson and Sylviane A. Diouf (Washington D.C.: The Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, National Geographic, 2004), 198-215; "Ethiopia," in CIA World Factbook website accessed September 29, 2010 (; Ethiopian Community Mutual Association website accessed September 2010 (
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