Library Search Results

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Wellspring Archives: A Social Service Fundraising Letter (1901)

This People's History is based on the early records of Wellspring Family Services, a private, non-profit organization helping families and children in Seattle and King County overcome lifeâ&euro...

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Wellspring Archives: Associated Charities of Seattle, 1917-1919

This People's History is based on the early records of Wellspring Family Services, a private, non-profit organization helping families and children in Seattle and King County overcome lifeâ&euro...

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Wellspring Archives: Early Case Notes from the Friendly Visitors

This People's History is based on the early records of Wellspring Family Services, a private, non-profit organization helping families and children in Seattle and King County overcome lifeâ&euro...

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Wellspring Archives: Evelyn Gail Gardiner

This People's History is based on the early records of Wellspring Family Services, a private, non-profit organization helping families and children in Seattle and King County overcome lifeâ&euro...

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Wellspring Archives: How It All Started

This People's History is based on the early records of Wellspring Family Services, a private, non-profit organization helping families and children in Seattle and King County overcome lifeâ&euro...

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Wellspring Archives: June J. Joslyn, Our Agency's First Psychiatric Social Worker

This People's History is based on the early records of Wellspring Family Services, a private, non-profit organization helping families and children in Seattle and King County overcome lifeâ&euro...

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Wellspring Archives: "Not Alms, But a Friend"

This People's History is based on the early records of Wellspring Family Services, a private, non-profit organization helping families and children in Seattle and King County overcome lifeâ&euro...

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Wellspring Archives: Our First Client Records

This People's History is based on the early records of Wellspring Family Services, a private, non-profit organization helping families and children in Seattle and King County overcome lifeâ&euro...

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Wellspring Archives: Our First Fundraiser

This People's History is based on the early records of Wellspring Family Services, a private, non-profit organization helping families and children in Seattle and King County overcome lifeâ&euro...

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Wellspring Archives: Relief vs. Social Service

This People's History is based on the early records of Wellspring Family Services, a private, non-profit organization helping families and children in Seattle and King County overcome lifeâ&euro...

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Wellspring Archives: Surviving as an Agency through the Great Depression

This People's History is based on the early records of Wellspring Family Services, a private, non-profit organization helping families and children in Seattle and King County overcome lifeâ&euro...

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Wellspring Archives: What About the Community Fund?

This People's History is based on the early records of Wellspring Family Services, a private, non-profit organization helping families and children in Seattle and King County overcome life's challenge...

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