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Jimi Hendrix plays Sicks' Stadium, his final Seattle show, on July 26, 1970.

On the afternoon of July 26, 1970, Jimi Hendrix (1942-1970) headlines a concert at Seattle's venerable outdoor ballpark, Sicks' Stadium. The all-day festival is billed as a "Concert on the Ground," bu...

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Seattle is reported highest per capita nationwide in bombings on July 28, 1970.

On July 28, 1970, Mayor Wes Uhlman (b. 1935) tells the U.S. Senate Permanent Committee on Investigations that for the past 16 months, "Seattle has the dubious distinction" of the highest number of bom...

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Electronic musical "sound synthesizer" makes Seattle debut on July 28, 1970.

On the consecutive nights of July 28 and 29, 1970, the cutting-edge device officially marketed as the "Buchla 100 Modular Electronic Music System" debuts in Seattle at a demonstration event promoted a...

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Newport Way Library is dedicated on August 9, 1970.

On August 9, 1970, after nearly half a decade in the making, the King County Library System's Newport Way Library is dedicated in Bellevue's Eastgate neighborhood. The attractive, 8,025-square-foot bu...

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Five fires in the Wenatchee National Forest burn 122,000 acres beginning on August 23, 1970.

On August 23, 1970, lightning ignites fires in the Wenatchee National Forest that consume 122,000 acres. The fires, called the Entiat Burn, will burn for 15 days before they are contained and rain beg...

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Blue Streak, first express park-and-ride bus service, begins between Northgate and downtown Seattle on September 8, 1970.

On September 8, 1970, Seattle Transit launches the first express bus service between Northgate and downtown Seattle. The "Blue Streak" will serve as a model for dozens of additional park-and-ride rout...

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Tacoma Police arrest 60 persons at a fish-in on September 9, 1970.

On September 9, 1970, Tacoma Police arrest 60 persons during a confrontation over Native American rights to fish. When state officers attempt to remove a fish net set in the river by tribal members, f...

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Tacoma voters recall five city council members on September 15, 1970.

On September 15, 1970, Tacoma voters recall five members of the city council, leaving Mayor Gordon Johnston, the presiding officer of the council, and the remaining three council members without the n...

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Senator Henry Jackson overwhelmingly defeats peace candidate Carl Maxey in the Democratic primary on September 15, 1970.

On September 15, 1970, Senator Henry M. "Scoop" Jackson (1912-1983) easily wins the Democratic Senate primary by defeating peace candidate Carl Maxey (1924-1997), a Spokane attorney and civil rights l...

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United States Department of Justice sues the state of Washington over treaty fishing rights on September 18, 1970.

On September 18, 1970, the U.S. Department of Justice under President Richard M. Nixon (1913-1994) files suit to stop the state of Washington from preventing or restricting Native American tribes "fro...

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Jimi Hendrix dies in London on September 18, 1970, and is buried in Renton.

On September 18, 1970, Seattle-born rock guitarist Jimi Hendrix dies of suffocation after ingesting barbiturates in London, England, at the age of 27. His remains are returned to the United States and...

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Jimi Hendrix is mourned at his Seattle funeral and wake and buried in Renton on October 1, 1970.

On October 1, 1970, rock legend Jimi Hendrix (1942-1970) is mourned at his Seattle funeral and wake and buried in Renton. Hendrix had died on September 18, 1970, at age 27 while asleep in London, not ...

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