西雅图雷尼尔谷既是一个街区,也是一种地理特征。 雷尼尔谷从西雅图市区向东南绵延约 7 公里,与华盛顿湖相交汇,该峡谷并不是河道,而是两座桥之间形成的低地。当提到“雷尼尔谷”社区时,通常指峡谷的中北部,但这一名称却时常指整个峡谷,包 括附近街区,例如哥伦比亚市和雷尼尔海滩。Coast Salish 居民沿峡谷铺修的山路历史悠久,在湖岸上建造的数座雪松长屋也日久岁深。首批非印第安移民于 19 世纪 50 年代抵达此地,但移民并未蜂拥而至,这种状态一直持续至峡谷中茂密的材林被大面积砍伐并被送到当地的锯木厂中进行加工。雷尼尔大街电气化铁路 (Rainier Avenue Electric Railway) 沿着如今的 Rainier Avenue S 修建,从此向市郊地区开启了峡谷神秘之门,并最终引领其踏上城市发展之路。这条铁路线在 1891 年延伸到哥伦比亚市,于 1896 年延伸到雷顿 (Renton),它在 1937 年停运之前,一直是连接各地的重要干线。长久以来,雷尼尔谷一直是许多移民的家园,二战之前,意大利裔和日本裔美国人占人口绝大多数(二战期间,很多日本 裔美国公民被关押在这里)。二战期间及战后,迎来了移民大潮。非洲裔美国人从西雅图中部地区及其他州迁移至此。最近,拉丁美洲和东南亚移民又掀起了新一轮 移民浪潮,他们不约而同地来到雷尼尔谷安家落户。
雷尼尔谷 (Rainier Valley)--简史
- By David Wilma
- Posted 3/13/2001
- HistoryLink.org Essay 3092
Mabel Abbot, "History of Rainier Valley, Like That of Its Railway, Complicated and Checkered," undated newsclipping, Dubuar Scrapbook No. 116, p. 44, Microfilm A2946, University of Washington Special Collections; "Seattle South," USGS 7.5 minute quadrangle map, 1983; Carey Summers, compiler, Centennial History, Columbia City, Rainier Valley: 1853-1991, (Seattle: The Author, 1991); David Buerge, "The Native American Presence in the Rainier Valley Area," typescript, undated, Rainier Valley Historical Society, Seattle; David Buerge, "Indian Lake Washington," The Weekly, August 1-August 7, 1984, pp. 29-33; Leslie Blanchard, A History of the Seattle Street Railway System: 1884-1919, (Seattle: Puget Sound Railroader, 1960), pp. 42-45; Lucile McDonald, "Old-Timers Tell More of Early Days Around Lake," The Seattle Sunday Times, February 26, 1956, Magazine Section, 8; "Adopt One Name for the Valley," Seattle Post-Intelligencer, October 6, 1909; The Citizen Christmas Annual, (Seattle: The Rainier Valley Citizen, 1915); Lucile McDonald, "Big Landslide in 1898 Closed Pioneer Sawmill," The Seattle Sunday Times, January 22, 1956, Magazine Section 10; Roger Sale, Seattle Past to Present, (Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1976); HistoryLink.org Online Encyclopedia of Washington State History, "Albert Dean Rosellini" (by Walt Crowley), http//:www.historylink.org/ (accessed March 2001). Note: This essay was revised on October 27, 2011.
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