雷尼尔海滩地处西雅图东南角的华盛顿湖之滨,正好处于西雅图市的辖区内,距离湖南端的雷顿很近。19 世纪 90 年代时,雷尼尔海滩的大部分区域都是由 Clarence D. Hillman (1870-1935) 开发,曾被称他为大西洋城 (Atlantic City),当时该街区还包括附近的社区,例如普里查德岛,同时也是杜瓦米什村落和 Dunlap(来到该地区定居并在这里砍伐大型树木的先驱家庭,因此以其名字命名该聚居地。1894 年,从西雅图市始发,开往雷尼尔海滩的有轨电车线路开通后,房地产业蓬勃发展。同 Hillman 一样,Dunlaps 借助这股房地产开发热潮,积极规划他们的土地并出售宅地。1937 年,电车线路停运,但在二战期间和战后,该街区又恢复了往日的繁荣。由于战后儿童人数激增,为满足众多儿童的就学需求,雷尼尔海滩初/高级中学于 1960 年成立。为安置战时工人,特建造了苏域柏公园住宅区,这里便成为了低收入阶层聚居区。多年来,这里的居住人口数呈显著下降趋势。居高不下的犯罪率和破败不 堪的房屋使这里的房价低于西雅图的其他地区,但也使雷尼尔海滩成为各个种族群体和民族的聚居地。最终,公私部门携手合作,对房屋实施了整体改造,从而使该 街区的犯罪率急剧下降,并重现繁荣复兴的景象。手åˆä½œï¼Œå¯¹æˆ¿å±‹å®žæ–½äº†æ•´ä½“æ”¹é€ ï¼Œä»Žè€Œä½¿è¯¥è¡—åŒºçš„çŠ¯ç½ªçŽ‡æ€¥å‰§ä¸‹é™ï¼Œå¹¶é‡çŽ°ç¹è£å¤å…´çš„景象。
西雅图街区:雷尼尔海滩 (Rainier Beach)--简史
- By David Wilma
- Posted 3/21/2001
- HistoryLink.org Essay 3116
Don Sherwood, "Atlantic City Park," Interpretive Essays on the History of Seattle Parks, Handwritten bound manuscript dated 1977, Seattle Room, Seattle Public Library; Don Sherwood, "Beer Sheva Park," Ibid.; David Buerge, "The Native American Presence in the Rainier Valley Area," typescript, undated, Rainier Valley Historical Society, Seattle; David Buerge, "Indian Lake Washington," The Weekly, August 1-August 7, 1984, pp. 29-33; Lucille McDonald, "Old-Timers of Rainier Beach Area," The Seattle Sunday Times, January 1, 1956, Magazine, 8; Lucile McDonald, "Early Developments In Southeast Seattle," Ibid., January 15, 1956, 8; Mark Higgins, "Diverse Population Makes for a Unique Feel," > Seattle Post-Intelligencer, June 7, 1997, (www.seattlep-i.nwsource.com); Mark Higgins, "Off The Beaten Path, Rejuvenation Takes Shape," > Ibid.; Mark Higgins, "Residents Unhappy With Focus On Negative," Ibid.; Walt Crowley, National Trust Guide: Seattle, (New York: Preservation Press, 1998), 218-221; "Rainier Beach Library: Our History," Seattle Public Library Website, (www.spl.lib.wa.us); Paul Dorpat, "Rainier Beach Station," Seattle Now and Then, Vol. III (Seattle: Tartu Publications, 1992).
Note: This essay was revised on November 3, 2011.
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