Xaafadaha Seattle: Rainier Beach – Taariikh Kooban

  • By David Wilma
  • Posted 3/21/2001
  • HistoryLink.org Essay 3116
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Rainier Beach waxay ku taalaa cidhifka koonfur-bari ee khooriga Lake Washington, gudaha cidhifyada magaalada Seattle oon kana fogayn Renton cidhifka koonfureed ee harada. Waxa ku naanaysay Magaalada Atlantic Clarence D. Hillman (1870 – 1935), kaasoo dhisay meesha 1890dii, xaafadda Rainier Beach waxa sidoo kale kamida bulshooyinka u dhaw sida Jasiiradda Pritchard, oo mar u ahayd tuulada Duwamish, iyo Dunlap, oo loogu magac daray ugu horgalay kaasoo guryo ka samaystay meesha oo googooyeyna geedihii waawaynaa ee looxa. Sida Hillman, Dunlaps waxay sawireen dhulkooda oo iibiyeen dhul guryo laga dhiso, iyagoo ka faa’idaysanaya sare u kaca hantida ma-guurtada ah taasoo ka dambaysey markii khadkii gaadhiga korontada ku shaqeeyaee Seattle ka imanayey uu gaadhey Rainier Beach 1894. Adeegga gaadhiga korontadu wuxuu dhammaaday 1937, laakiin xaafadu way barwaaqawday markale intii lagu jiray iyo kadib Dagaalkii II ee Adduunka. Dugsiga Sare ee Rainier Beach waxa la furay 1960 si loo adeeg siiyo carruurtii badnayd ee dagaalka kadib. Dhulka Seward Park, oo la dhisay si loo guri siiyo shaqaalihii dagaalka, waxay noqotay danyar waxayna la kulantay hoos u dhac wayn sannado. Falalka Dambiga oo ku badnaa iyo hantida oo sii xumaanaysay waxay ka dhigtay qiimaha guryaha mandaqadda inay ka jabnaadaan meelaha kale ee Seattle, iyadoo ka dhigaysa Rainier Beach hoyga qoomiyado iyo dhalashooyin kala duwan. Markii dambe, iskaashi dawlad iyo shicib ayaa caawiyey inay beddelaan mashruuca guryeynta xaafaduna waxay ku naalootay hoos u dhac wayn oo dambiga ah dib u soo noqod barwaaqo.


Don Sherwood, "Atlantic City Park," Interpretive Essays on the History of Seattle Parks, Handwritten bound manuscript dated 1977, Seattle Room, Seattle Public Library; Don Sherwood, "Beer Sheva Park," Ibid.; David Buerge, "The Native American Presence in the Rainier Valley Area," typescript, undated, Rainier Valley Historical Society, Seattle; David Buerge, "Indian Lake Washington," The Weekly, August 1-August 7, 1984, pp. 29-33; Lucille McDonald, "Old-Timers of Rainier Beach Area," The Seattle Sunday Times, January 1, 1956, Magazine, 8; Lucile McDonald, "Early Developments In Southeast Seattle," Ibid., January 15, 1956, 8; Mark Higgins, "Diverse Population Makes for a Unique Feel," > Seattle Post-Intelligencer, June 7, 1997, (www.seattlep-i.nwsource.com); Mark Higgins, "Off The Beaten Path, Rejuvenation Takes Shape," > Ibid.; Mark Higgins, "Residents Unhappy With Focus On Negative," Ibid.; Walt Crowley, National Trust Guide: Seattle, (New York: Preservation Press, 1998), 218-221; "Rainier Beach Library: Our History," Seattle Public Library Website, (www.spl.lib.wa.us); Paul Dorpat, "Rainier Beach Station," Seattle Now and Then, Vol. III (Seattle: Tartu Publications, 1992).
Note: This essay was revised on November 3, 2011.

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