Maadaama lagu qiyaasay 30,000 (dabayaaqadii 1990dii), bulshada Filibiinka reer Maraykan waxay noqdeen kooxda ugu balladhan ee Aasiyaanka Maraykanka ee Seattle. Laga bilaabo deegaankii reer Filibiin ee la garanayo 1883, mawjado muhaajiriin Filibiiniyiin ah ayaa soo galay iyadoo uu jiray xidhiidh isbed bedelayey marka la eego darajada Filibiin (ka bilaw gumaysi ilaa xornimo). Waxay inta badan la kulmi jireen midab takoor iyo darxumo, sida uu sheegay gabayaaga Filibiiniga Carlos Bulosan (1911?- 1956). Filibiiniyiintu waxay ka qaybqaateen meelaha farshanka, ganacsiga, iyo hogaaminta siyaasadeed. 1979, Delores sibonga (b. 1931) wuxuu noqday xubintii ugu horaysay ee Filibiin ka soo jeeda ee Golaha Magaalada Seattle yeelato. Madaxwayne Bill Clinton wuxuu u magacaabay Bob Santos (b. 1934) inuu noqdo wakiil goboleedka Waaxda Guryaynta iyo Horumarinta Magaalooyinka Maraykanka. 1992, Velma Veloria waxay ku guulaysatay doorasho gudiga sharci dejinta ee Gogolka Washington iyadoo laga soo doortay degmada 11aad ee Seattle, taasoo ka dhigtay iyada sarkaalkii u sareeyey ee la doorto ee ka soo jeeda Filibiino ee markaas joogay wadanka.
Filibiinka Reer Maraykan ee Seattle
- By Cynthia Mejia-Giudici
- Posted 12/03/1998
- Essay 409
Ursula Barboza, "Filipinos in Seattle" in the 11th Anniversary Special Program of the Northwest Asian Weekly (Seattle, 1994); Carlos Bulosan, America is in the Heart: A Personal History (Seattle: University of Washington Press, [1943] 1973); Fred Cordova, Filipinos: Forgotten Asian Americans: A Pictorial Essay 1763-circa 1963 (Dubuque, IA: Kendall/Hunt, 1983); "Filipinos in the Pacific Northwest," 1952-l982 Commemorative Yearbook (Filipino American Intercommunity Council of the Pacific Northwest, 1982); Hyung-chan Kim and Cynthia C. Mejia, The Filipinos in America 1898-1974: A Chronology and Fact Book (Dobbs Ferry NY: Oceana Publications, Inc. 1976); Gail Nomura, "Washington's Asian/Pacific American Communities," in Peoples of Washington: Perspectives on Cultural Diversity ed. by Sid White and S.E. Solberg (Pullman: Washington State University Press, 1989); Symbol of Filipino Identity: Glimpses of "Pinoy Life in the Pacific Northwest ed. by Diony Corsilles (Seattle: Magiting Corp., 1983); Edward and Elizabeth Burke, Seattle’s Other History: Our Asian American Heritage (Seattle: Profanity Hill Press, 1979); Ruth Pelz, The Washington Story: A History of Our State (Seattle: Seattle Public Schools, 1988); Fred Cordova, “Pista Sa Nayon 1993: A Commentary,” Pista Review: Official 1993 Seafair Pista Sa Nayon Program (Seattle: Pista Sa Nayon, 1993); “Anti-Filipino Feeling Flares Up in Raids,” Auburn Globe Republican, Auburn, Washington, May 8, 1930; Chuck Taylor, “Seattle Times Wins Two Pulitzer Prizes,” The Seattle Times, April 7, 1997; E.V. Vic Bacho, "History of the Filipino Community of Seattle," in Pamana: Half-a-Century of Filipino Community Life in the Emerald City (Seattle: Filipino Community of Seattle, Inc., 1986?), 13-68; Fred Cordova, "The Community in Seattle," in Pamana II (Seattle: Filipino Community of Seattle, Inc., n.d.), 14-21; C.N. Rigor, "President's Past: The Marks That They Leave," in Pamana: Half-a-Century of Filipino Community Life in the Emerald City (Seattle: Filipino Community of Seattle, Inc., 1986?), 69-123. Note: This essay was expanded on September 7, 2010.
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