7 Juunyo, 1910, Qaadi Boyd J. Tallman ee Maxkamada Sare ee Gobolka Washington wuxuu xaqiijiyey in xukunka sharciga ah ee in Samuel Stone iyo xaaskiisa Susie Stone, oo ah lammaane madaw qani ah, ay ka iibsan karaan hanti Beer Degmeedka Mount Baker ee gaarka ah. Maalgaliyaha degmada, Shirkadda Hunter Track Improvement, wuxuu buuxiyay dacwad uu kaga soo horjeedo reer Stone iyo xaqlihii hore dhulka, si uu u beddelo qandaraaska iibisiga. midabka lammaanaha dartii, shirkaddu waxay ku dooday joogitaanka reer Stone uu halis galin karo qiimaha guryaha meesha ku dhaw. Ka dib ku guulaysigii kiis maxkamadeedkii hore iyo rafcaankiiba, reer Stone waxay hore ugu socdeen inay guri ka dhistaan Goobta 34naad S 3125, laakiin kiiska sharcigu wuxuu u taagnaa baahida sii kordhaysa ee la dagaalanka midab-takoorka inistitushaneed, ooy ka mid yihiin, heshiisyo xaddidan.
Samuel iyo Susie Stone waxay ku guulaysteen dagaal sharci ee xaqa inay ku noolaadaan degmada Mount Baker ee khaaska ah 7 Juunyo, 1910.
- By Kathleen Kemezis
- Posted 9/08/2010
- HistoryLink.org Essay 9570
Richard Berner, Seattle in the 20th Century, Vol. 1 (Seattle: Charles Press, 1991); Esther Hall Mumford, Calabash: A Guide to the History, Culture, and Art of African Americans in Seattle and King County (Seattle: Anase Press, 1993); Shaping Seattle Architecture ed by Jeffrey Ochsner (Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1994); Quintard Taylor, The Forging of a Black Community: Seattle’s Central District, from 1870 through the Civil Rights Era (Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1994); Esther Hall Mumford, "Seattle's Black Victorians -- Revising a City's History," Portage Vol. 2, No. 1 (1980-1981), p. 14-17; HistoryLink.org Online Encyclopedia of Washington State History, “Seattle Neigborhood: Mount Baker -- Thumbnail History” (by Junius Rochester), http://historylink.org/ (accessed July 1, 2010); Carol Tobin, "Mount Baker Historic Context Statement," May 1994, City of Seattle, Department of Neighborhoods; “Another Phase of Negrophobia,” Seattle Republican, November 9, 1910, p. 1; Horace Roscoe Cayton and Ed Diaz, Horace Roscoe Cayton: Selected Writings (Seattle: Bridgewater-Collins, Publisher, 2003), 60; “Only The Negro Not Wanted,” Seattle Republican, April 9, 1909, p. 5; “Negress Wins Suit in Highest Court,” The Seattle Daily Times, June 8, 1910; “Negroes May Carry Case to Washington,” Seattle Daily Times, November 29, 1909, p. 6; “Wife of Prominent Negro in Seattle,” Seattle Daily Times, September 14, 1909, p. 9; Hunter Tract Improvement Co. v. Stone et al, 109 P 112 (1910).
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