西雅图的索马里移民社区成立于二十世纪七十年代和八十年代,最初由大学生和工程师组成的一个小型团体。1991 年索马里内战爆发,数以千计的索马里难民来到西雅图,因此在过去的 20 年里,索马里移民成倍激增。他们主要定居在雷尼尔瓦利 (Rainier Valley),向南延伸到塔奇拉 (Tukwila) 和西塔克 (SeaTac)。索马里学生是西雅图公立学校的第二大双语言群体,该地区尽力安排满足他们的需要。索马里文化中包括家族体系的观念,也有坚定的互助价值 观和非正式的资源集中系统 (亦称为 ayuto orhagbad),该系统中的成员进行集资捐赠,然后每个成员可轮流使用资金。这个组织紧密的社区已建立商业、宗教组织和社会服务机构。新闻杂志 《Runta News》使用英语和苏马里语出版;索马里电视频道通过西雅图有线接入网播出节目。他们也面临很多挑战,通常来自于大多数移民群体面临的困难。另外,在公 众意识中,在很大程度上把此穆斯林社区同 2001 恐怖袭击联系起来,从而导致索马里社区受到歧视和与政府机构的关系紧张。
- By Jennifer Ott
- Posted 11/19/2010
- HistoryLink.org Essay 9634
Mike Carter, "Seattle's Somali Community Not Included in Latest Terror Indictments," The Seattle Times, August 5, 2010 (www.seattletimes.com); Florangela Davila, "Hundreds Denounce Backlash of Hatred," The Seattle Times, September 19, 2001 (http://www.seattletimes.com/); Florangela Davila, "Somalis Depend on Service: 'We Don't Have Anything Else," The Seattle Times, October 8, 2001 (www.seattletimes.com); Florangela Davila, "USDA Disqualifies Three Somalian Markets from Accepting Federal Food Stamps," The Seattle Times, April 10, 2002 (www.seattletimes.com); Jennifer Ott interview with Mohamed Sheikh Hassan, October 29, 2010, Seattle; Jennifer Ott, interview with Abdinasir Ali Nur, November 3, 2010, Seattle; Jennifer Ott interview with Mohamed Roble, November 2, 2010, Seattle, Jennifer Ott interview with Nafiso Samatar, November 8, 2010, Seattle; Tan Vinh, "Fleeing Persecution, Refugees Grapple with New Home," The Seattle Times, May 5, 2004 (www.seattletimes.com); "Background Note: Somalia," U.S. Department of State website accessed November 18, 2010 (http://www.state.gov/r/pa/ei/bgn/2863.htm); "Tukwila SeaTac in Motion," King County Department of Transportation website (www.kingcounty.gov/transportation/kcdot/MetroTransit/InMotion/Tukwila.aspx); "Immigrant & Refugee Report and Action Plan: 2007-2009," City of Seattle Department of Neighborhoods website accessed November 18, 2010 (www.seattle.gov/neighborhoods/immigrants/docs/I&R_Report.pdf).
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