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Bulshada Soomaalida Seattle

  • By Jennifer Ott
  • Posted 11/19/2010
  • HistoryLink.org Essay 9634

Muhaajiriinta bulshada Soomaalidu waxay ku bilaabantay koox yar oo arday jaamacadeed iyo ingineero ah 1970dii iyo 1980dii. Waxay aad u korodhay 20kii sano ee tegey iyagoo ah kumaan kun qaxooti dagaalkii sokeeye ee Soomaalida, kaasoo bilaabmay 1991, soo galay Seattle. Waxay aad u dageen Dooxada Rainier waxayna u baaheen koonfur iyagoo gaadhay Tukwila iyo Sea Tac. Ardayda Soomaalidu waa kuwa labaad ee ugu badan ee laba luuqadood ku hadla Dugsiyada Dawlada Seattle degmaduna waxay ka shaqaysaa siday u dabooli lahayd baahidooda. Dhaqanka Soomaalida waxa ka mida habka qabiilka laakiin sidoo kale istaakulaynta iyo nidaam aan rasmi ahayn oo loo ururiyo maalka, oo la dhaho ayuto ama hagbad, taasoo kooxdu lacag bixinayso dabadeed lacagta midba markiisa isticmaalayo. Bulshadan aadka isugu xidhani waxay aasaastay ganacsi, ururo diimeed, iyo wakaalado adeeg bulsho. New magazine, Runta News, waxa lagu qoraa Ingiriisi iyo Soomaaliba, TV-ga Soomaalidana wuxuuka baahaa network-ga xadhiga Seattle. Waxa jira caqabado, inta badan ka imanaya dhibaatooyin soo waajaha kooxaha muhaajiriinta intooda badan. Intaa waxa dheer, bulshada Muslimka ah ee badan waxay maskaxaha dadku la xidhiidhiyaan weeraradii argagaxiso ee 2001, taasoo keentay takoor iyo dhib xidhiidhka wakaaladaha dawlada.


Mike Carter, "Seattle's Somali Community Not Included in Latest Terror Indictments," The Seattle Times, August 5, 2010 (www.seattletimes.com); Florangela Davila, "Hundreds Denounce Backlash of Hatred," The Seattle Times, September 19, 2001 (http://www.seattletimes.com/); Florangela Davila, "Somalis Depend on Service: 'We Don't Have Anything Else," The Seattle Times, October 8, 2001 (www.seattletimes.com); Florangela Davila, "USDA Disqualifies Three Somalian Markets from Accepting Federal Food Stamps," The Seattle Times, April 10, 2002 (www.seattletimes.com); Jennifer Ott interview with Mohamed Sheikh Hassan, October 29, 2010, Seattle; Jennifer Ott, interview with Abdinasir Ali Nur, November 3, 2010, Seattle; Jennifer Ott interview with Mohamed Roble, November 2, 2010, Seattle, Jennifer Ott interview with Nafiso Samatar, November 8, 2010, Seattle; Tan Vinh, "Fleeing Persecution, Refugees Grapple with New Home," The Seattle Times, May 5, 2004 (www.seattletimes.com); "Background Note: Somalia," U.S. Department of State website accessed November 18, 2010 (http://www.state.gov/r/pa/ei/bgn/2863.htm); "Tukwila SeaTac in Motion," King County Department of Transportation website (www.kingcounty.gov/transportation/kcdot/MetroTransit/InMotion/Tukwila.aspx); "Immigrant & Refugee Report and Action Plan: 2007-2009," City of Seattle Department of Neighborhoods website accessed November 18, 2010 (www.seattle.gov/neighborhoods/immigrants/docs/I&R_Report.pdf).

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