28 Maarso, 2010, TV-ga Soomaalidu wuxuu sii daayay fiidyawyo sharxaya tiro-koobka 2010 ee daawadeyaasha Soomaali Maraykanka. TV-ga Soomaalida waa bandhig luugadda Soomaaliga ku baxa kaasoo ka baaha Seattle Cable Access Network. Fiidyawgu wuxuu qayb ka yahay dadaalada Xafiiska Tiro-koobka si uu u sharxo waxa ay tahay macluumaadka tiro-koobeyaashu soo ururiyaan iyo in lagu dhiirigaliyo dadka bulshooyinka muhaajiriinta ah inay buuxiyaan foomamkooda tiro-koobka. Muddada afarta saac ee TV-ga Soomaalidu hawada ku jiro, wuxuu gaadhaa bulshada Soomaalida Seattle iyo magaalooyinka kale ee Maraykanka wuxuuna siiyaa war Soomaali. Bandhiggiisa toddobaadlaha ah waxa dheer, in TV-ga Soomaalidu soo saaro fiidyawyo af Soomaali ah oo sharxaya adeegyada dawlada degmada King. TV-ga Soomaalidu wuxuu aad ugu lugleeyahay dhacdooyinka bulshada Soomaalida.
TV-ga Soomaalida ee ka baaha Seattle Cable Acess Network wuxuu sii daayay fiidyawyo sharxaya tiro-koobka 2010 ee daawadeyaasha Soomaalida Maraykanka 28 Maarso, 2010.
- By Jennifer Ott
- Posted 11/25/2010
- HistoryLink.org Essay 9641
Owen Lei, "US Census' New Plan to Build Trust Among Undercounted," KING5 TV website accessed November 22, 2010 (www.king5.com/home/US-Census-Bureau-hoping-for-a-better-count-80863667.html); Jennifer Ott interview with Mohamed Sheikh, October 29, 2010, Seattle; "Seattle Complete Count Committee," City of Seattle website accessed November 22, 2010 (www.seattle.gov/census2010/committee.htm); Somali TV website accessed November 22, 2010 (www.somtv.org/); "Take 10 Map," United States Census 2010 website accessed November 22, 2010 (2010.census.gov/2010census/take10map/).
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