1986 年,西雅图萨摩亚板球联盟 (Seattle Samoan Cricket League) 成立,并组织了西雅图萨摩亚社区居民钟爱的这项消遣活动比赛。起初,该联盟在雷尼尔瓦利的杰纳西球场 (Genesee Field) 举行比赛,但是喧闹的欢呼声、嘈杂的音乐声以及交通堵塞给当地带来太多干扰,这迫使联盟将比赛场地迁至比肯希尔 (Beacon Hill) 的杰斐逊球场 (Jefferson Playfield)。尽管萨摩亚板球是由英国传教士传入萨摩亚,但是萨摩亚板球 (或称 kirikiti) 的队员数量和比赛规则仍然不同于英国板球。萨摩亚板球具有一种特殊的文化意义,它不仅反映了萨摩亚居民的社区价值观,而且包含了传统的歌舞内容。西雅图板 球联盟将他们的文化传统传授给萨摩亚裔美国儿童,并为他们提供与父母和祖父母沟通的机会。
西雅图萨摩亚板球联盟于 1986 年成立。
- By Kathleen Kemezis
- Posted 11/29/2010
- HistoryLink.org Essay 9650
Cassie Chinn, “Narrative Report: Asian Pacific Islander Americans in Southeast Seattle,” December 15, 2009, The Wing Luke Asian Museum, Seattle, Washington; “Cricket Compromise Goes to Park Chief,” The Seattle Times, May 8, 1987; “Cricket Events Move to Jefferson Park,” The Seattle Times, March 28, 1989, p. B-3; Gil Griffin, “A Perfect Pitch: Paradise for Samoans is Playing Cricket,” The San Diego Union-Tribune, June 20, 2001, p. D-1; Phuong Cat Le, “A Swinging Sport for the Whole Family,” Seattle Post-Intelligencer, August 18, 2001, p. A-1; “Sticky Wicket for Samoan Cricket,” Cascade Land Conservancy, Fall 2008, p. 11; Val Varney, “Park Board Rejects Green Lake Bike Ban, Delays Cricket Decision,” The Seattle Times, December 19, 1986.
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