1986 Isbahaysiga Kirikitka reer Samoa ee Seattle waxay sameeyeen ooy abaabuleen ciyaaro wakhti baashaalkan bulshada reer Samoa ee Seattle. Isbahaysigu wuxuu ku qabtaa ciyaaro Gagada Genesee ee Dooxada Rainier, laakiin sawaxan farxad leh, musik, iyo saxmadda baabuurta ayaa waxay abuurtay qas badan waxayna ku khasabtay isbahaysigu inuu u guuro gago ciyaareedka Jefferson oo ku taal Minnaaradda Taagga. In kastoo Samoa-ga ay bareen wadaado Biritish ah, haddana kirikitka Samoan, ama kirikiti, waxay kaga duwanayd tiro ciyaartooy ah iyo shuruucda ciyaarta. Kirikiti waxay u samaysaa macno dhaqameed gaara maadaama ay u muujinayso qiimaha bulsho dadka Samoa- ooy ka mid yihiin heeso iyo qoobka-ciyaar soo jireen ah. Isbahaysiga Seattle wuxuu baraa carruurta reer Samoa-ga Maraykanka hiddahooga waxaanu siiyaa fursad ay kula xidhiidhaan waalidkood iyo waalidkooda waalidkiisa.
Isbahaysiga Kirikitka Samoan ee Seattle waxa la sameeyay 1986.
- By Kathleen Kemezis
- Posted 11/29/2010
- HistoryLink.org Essay 9650
Cassie Chinn, “Narrative Report: Asian Pacific Islander Americans in Southeast Seattle,” December 15, 2009, The Wing Luke Asian Museum, Seattle, Washington; “Cricket Compromise Goes to Park Chief,” The Seattle Times, May 8, 1987; “Cricket Events Move to Jefferson Park,” The Seattle Times, March 28, 1989, p. B-3; Gil Griffin, “A Perfect Pitch: Paradise for Samoans is Playing Cricket,” The San Diego Union-Tribune, June 20, 2001, p. D-1; Phuong Cat Le, “A Swinging Sport for the Whole Family,” Seattle Post-Intelligencer, August 18, 2001, p. A-1; “Sticky Wicket for Samoan Cricket,” Cascade Land Conservancy, Fall 2008, p. 11; Val Varney, “Park Board Rejects Green Lake Bike Ban, Delays Cricket Decision,” The Seattle Times, December 19, 1986.
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