1973 年,西雅图萨摩亚中心 (Seattle Samoan Center) 在埃尔森特罗德拉拉扎 (El Centro de la Raza) 开业,这是一个位于北比肯希尔 (North Beacon Hill) 的墨西哥裔/拉丁裔社区中心。该中心旨在帮助解决萨摩亚社区的社会需求,并帮助社区移民成员适应美国社会。多年来,该中心一直为老人和青少年提供日托计 划,并为儿童开办文化课程。该中心积极寻求项目拨款,以解决困扰社区的具体问题,如毒品和黑帮暴力事件。该中心架起传递社区心声的桥梁,积极提醒西雅图当 局及其市民关注诸如贫困、失业、英语文盲、高中生的高辍学率等阻碍萨摩亚社区发展的一系列问题。
1973 年,西雅图萨摩亚中心在埃尔森特罗德拉拉扎开业。
- By Kathleen Kemezis
- Posted 11/30/2010
- HistoryLink.org Essay 9652
Constantine Angelos, “Grants Given to Help Neighborhoods,” The Seattle Times, September 8, 1993; David B. Berrian, "The Samoan Community in Seattle: A needs assessment," 1980, City of Seattle, Department of Human Resources; Cassie Chinn, “Narrative Report: Asian Pacific Islander Americans in Southeast Seattle,” December 15, 2009, The Wing Luke Asian Museum, Seattle, Washington; Kathleen Kemezis telephone interview with Pastor Washington Talaga, November 19, 2010, Seattle; Deni Yamauchi Luna, “Pacific Islanders and Smoking,” Northwest Asian Weekly, October 14, 1993, p. 1; Barbara Burns McGrath, “Seattle Fa'a Samoa (Samoans in Seattle, Washington)” The Contemporary Pacific, Vol. 14, No. 2 (Fall 2002); Scott Maier, “3 of 4 Samoans Here Out of Work,” The Seattle Times, February 14, 1978, p. A-1.