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Chehalis -- Thumbnail History

Chehalis, the seat of Lewis County and long a commercial center for area farmers and loggers, grew out of claim settled in 1850 by Schuyler (1810-1860) and Eliza (1826-1900) Saunders near the confluen...

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Chelan, City of -- Thumbnail History

The City of Chelan, in the North Central Washington county of the same name, straddles the entrance to the Chelan River at the southern extremity of Lake Chelan, the largest natural lake in Washington...

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Chelan County -- Thumbnail History

Chelan County embraces the drainages of the Wenatchee River, the Entiat River, and Lake Chelan, and the Chelan River for a total of 2,920 square miles. Irrigation has transformed the arid valleys into...

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Cheney -- Thumbnail History

Cheney was first settled in 1878 under the name Willow Springs, soon to be changed to the less poetic designation of Section 13. That was the survey name given to a green, spring-filled oasis in Easte...

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Cherry Farming in Washington

As one of Washington's most important agricultural commodities, cherries have been a socioeconomic staple since the 1850s, shortly after the first cherry trees were introduced to the Northwest by Iowa...

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Chesley, Frank (1929-2010)

Frank Chesley’s long career in journalism put him in the front row of some of the most tumultuous years of the American mid-twentieth century, reporting in the era of the civil ri...

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Chewelah -- Thumbnail History

Few Washington towns can claim a more idyllic setting than Chewelah, located some 45 miles north of Spokane in the southern Colville River valley in Stevens County. To the east, the dark bulk of Quart...

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Chicano Movement in Washington: Political Activism in the Puget Sound and Yakima Valley Regions, 1960s-1980s

In the late 1960s, the Mexican-American civil rights movement flourished throughout the United States, in 1967 making its presence known in Washington's Yakima Valley. A dramatic shift occurred in the...

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Chicano/Latino Activism in Seattle, 1960s-1970s

During the late 1960s and early 1970s, many in Seattle's Chicano/Latino community felt an acute isolation. The then small community would see a transformation as a result of the Chicano Movement emerg...

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Chief Joseph (1840-1904)

Chief Joseph (1840-1904) was a leader of the Wallowa band of the Nez Perce Tribe who became famous in 1877 for leading his people on an epic flight across the Rocky Mountains. He was born in 1840 and ...

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Chief Kamiakin (ca. 1800-1877)

Kamiakin was an influential chief of the Yakama Tribe, a reluctant signer of the 1855 treaty creating the Yakama Reservation, and a key tribal leader during the Indian Wars of 1855-1858. His imposing ...

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Chief Moses (1829-1899)

Chief Moses was the leader of the Columbia band of Indians, who gave his name to both Moses Lake and Moses Coulee. He was born in 1829, the son of a chief of this Central Washington tribe. His father ...

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