Lakewood, oo ah xaafad koonfur-bari kaga taala waddooyinka gaagaaban Lake Washington-ta Seattle, waxay ku taalaa galbeedka Genesee Park iyo waqooyiga Seward Park (waxa inta badan loo tixgaliyaa qayb kamida xaafadda Seward Park). Meeshu markii hore waxay ahayd jasiirad la mood khooriga galbeed ee Lake Washington, oo ka samaysmay gacan dheer oo la dhaho Wetmore Slough – meesha uu imika ku yaalo Genesee Park – taasoo hal mayl koonfur u fidsan laga soo bilaabo harada oo galbeed u leexda xagga Magaalada Columbia. May ahayn ilaa biriish ay siddo Lake Washington Boulevard S uu ka gudbay afka biyo-fadhiisi, iyo 1912kii oo khad gaadhi koronto ku shaqeeyana laga furay S Genesee Street bulshadu ay heshay xidhiidh fiican oo ay la yeelato magaalada inteeda kale. Naaqusidda biyaha harada kadib markii la furay Gacanka Markabka Lake Washington 1917kii biyo ka saartay biyo-fadhiisiga. Magaalada Seattle ayaa la wareegtay dhulka ay biyo-fadhiigu uu ahaa si ay uga dhisto beer, laakiin waxay loo isticmaalay sannado guddaafad ahaan. 1957kii, Magaaladu waxay dhistay madaarka biyaha ee Stanley S. Sayres Memorial Hydroplanes Pits cidhifka waqooyi ee biyo-fadhiisinkii hore. 1968 kii, boonada Forward Thrust waxay suurogaliyeen dhammaystirka qorsheyaal in badan dib dhacay si looga dhiso biyo-fadhiisinka intii hadhay Genesee Park and Playfield (Garoon). Marka lagu daro beerteeda, Lakewood waa isku dhaf guryo waawayn oo ku dhaw khooriga harada iyo guryo badan oo nooca dhexe oo gudaha barriga ku yaala.
Xaafadaha Seattle: Lakewood – Taariikh Kooban
- By David Wilma
- Posted 3/28/2001
- Essay 3140
"Lakewood Community Club," brochure, 1948, Rainier Valley Historical Society, Seattle; David Buerge, "Indian Lake Washington," The Weekly, August 1, 1984, pp. 29-33; Don Sherwood, "Seward Park - Graham Peninsula," Interpretive Essays on the History of Seattle Parks, Handwritten bound manuscript dated 1977, Seattle Room, Seattle Public Library; Don Sherwood, "Genessee P.F., Wetmore Slough," Ibid.; Don Sherwood, "Stanley S. Sayres Memorial Park," Ibid.; "Cougar captured near Lake Washington about February 23, 1870," Timeline Library, (; Paul Dorpat, Seattle Now and Then, (Seattle: Tartu Publications, 1984), 82; Lucile B. McDonald, The Lake Washington Story, (Seattle: Superior Publishing Co., 1979), 23, 87, 88; Redick H. McKee, Road Map of Seattle and Vicinity, 1890, Seattle Public Library; "Guide Map of the City of Seattle, Washington Territory," ca. 1888, brochure, Seattle Public Library; David Wilma interview with Grover Haynes, president, Lakewood-Seward Park Community Club, March 31, 2001, Seattle, Washington; Alan A. Hynding, "Eugene Semple's Canal Scheme," The Pacific Northwest Quarterly, vol. 59, no. 2, (April 1968), 77-87; Joseph B. Shepherd, "Improvement Clubs and Their Works," The Seattle Times, March 29, 1928, p. 18; "Columbia City's Seaport Dream Never to Come True," Ibid., April 9, 1937, p. 7; David B. Williams, Jennifer Ott, and the staff of HistoryLink, Waterway: The Story of Seattle's Locks and Ship Canal, (Seattle: HistoryLink, 2017).
Note: This essay was revised and corrected on November 2, 2011, and revised and expanded on April 20, 2017.
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