Luulyo 1968, dhawr xubnood oo bulshada Shiinaha Seatle ka mid ah waxay sameeyeen koox si ay u kobciyaan ciyaaraha fudud iyo ka qaybqaadashada dhalinyarta ee bulshada. Ururka Ciyaaraha Fudud ee Shiinaha Seattle (SCAA) waxay ku bilaabantay 35 wiil iyo gabdhood oo ciyaaraya softiboolka, taniska, iyo kubadda kolayga. 2010, Ururku wuxuu dadaakiisa iskugu geeyey kubbadda kolayga, in ka badan 200 wiilal iyo gabdho ah ayaa kooxahooga ka ciyaarayey, iyadoo dhiirigalinaysa dareenka bulshonimo ee ka dhexeeya dadka Shiinaha Seattle.
Ururka Ciyaaraha Fudud ee Shiinaha Seattle waxa la aasaasay Luulyo 1968.
- By Elise Fogel
- Posted 8/31/2010
- Essay 9530
The Seattle Chinese Athletic Association website accessed August 15, 2010 (; Sherry Stripling, “Goal Models -- By Playing Hoops in the Seattle Chinese Athletic Association, Young Girls Shed The Cheerleader Mentality and Learn the Value of Participation,” The Seattle Times, March 14, 1993 (
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