1947 年 11 月 22 日,星期六,一家名叫“丘比和塔比” (Chubby & Tubby) 的战争剩余物资商店在西雅图盛大开业,商店位于雷尼尔南大街 (Rainier Avenue S) 3333 号。这家商店起初在西雅图雷尼尔瓦利 (Rainier Valley) 社区的一个街角店面(Signal 加气站旧址)经营军用金属活动房屋,到开始经营新业务时已经运作大概五周。但是,在公司正式运作之前,两个胖胖的老板 – 伍德洛("伍迪")"塔比"奥格(1989年逝世)和欧文"丘比"法莱斯(1997年逝世)– 似乎仍然在组织管理方面存在需要消除的分歧。事实上,这家公司开业的前五周就已经称作“塔比和丘比”。
1947 年 11 月 22 日,丘比和塔比战争剩余物资商店在西雅图举行盛大开业仪式
- By Peter Blecha
- Posted 8/25/2010
- HistoryLink.org Essay 9535
Chubby and Tubby "War Surplus Specials," classified ad, The Seattle Daily Times, October 8, 1947, p.34; Chubby and Tubby "War Surplus Specials," classified ad, The Seattle Daily Times, October 6, 1947, p.28; Tubby and Chubby "Grand Opening," display ad, The Seattle Daily Times, November 21, 1947 p.45; Tubby and Chubby "Surplus," classified ad, The Seattle Daily Times, December 31, 1947, p.18; Jake Batsell and Sarah Anne Wright, "Variety Chain Chubby & Tubby Slipping into History?," The Seattle Times, December 14, 2002 (http://community.seattletimes.nwsource.com); Tubby and Chubby, display ad, The Seattle Times, May 3, 1984, p.55; Christine Frey, "Chubby & Tubby Slims Down as Owners Look for Buyer," December 17, 2002 (http://www.seattlepi.com); "A cherished part of old Seattle," editorial, The Seattle Times, December 19, 2002 (http://community.seattletimes.nwsource.com); Jake Batsell, "Legendary Chubby & Tubby plans to close this weekend," The Seattle Times, January 5, 2003 (http://community.seattletimes.nwsource.com).